An Update on the Lehman Bankruptcy, By the Numbers |
Lehman Brothers Holdings filed for bankruptcy on Sept. 15. The convoluted process is now crammed with disgruntled $398 Billion
The estimated amount that will be recovered, in total, in Lehman’s liquidation. Most of that–$382 billion–is in $635 Billion
The total assets Lehman declared on Sept. 10, before the bankruptcy filing, including $576.9 billion in marketable $613 Billion
The amount of debt Lehman held at May 31, making it the largest bankruptcy ever and six times the size of the $270 Billion
The amount counterparties for Lehman’s credit-default swaps have to pay to creditors that bought the CDSs as credit $37.1 Billion
The estimated administrative and liquidation costs of Lehman’s bankruptcy, or roughly 5% of the securities firm’s $17 Billion
The amount of Lehman’s cash and securities held at J.P. Morgan Chase as of Sept. 12, before the filing. Bankruptcy $2.4 Billion
The size of Lehman Brothers Merchant Banking’s latest private-equity fund. LBMB management is considering a 61.1%
The percentage of claims against Lehman that senior unsecured creditors are likely to receive, according to NYPPEX 18 to 24
The number of months NYPPEX estimates it will take for Lehman’s total liquidation process. No word on how long the Two
The number of bidding consortia trying to buy the investment-management division. Bain Capital and Hellman & Zero The amount of money creditors are likely to recover for any of Lehman’s off-balance-sheet liabilities.
Πηγή: The wall street online Δημοσιεύθηκε στις 17/10/2008 url: